Getting to know Salesforce Marketing Cloud’s Datorama

Data intelligence in a single view

Would you rather…

Have terabytes of valuable data spread out over several disconnected sources…


Have your data all in one place without a clear way to capitalize on it?

There’s nothing like data management to make you feel like there’s no winning scenario. But, there’s a solution to both scenarios in Datorama—Salesforce’s recently acquired cloud-based, AI-powered marketing intelligence and analytics platform.

Data intelligence made comparatively simple

The waking nightmare of many a CMO and CTO, data management is the foundation of any successful marketing campaign. Proof of ROI is just one critical piece of what data provides. An organization’s ability to give its customers a personalized, individualized experience with its brand relies on the data generated by past marketing campaigns.

What is needed to succeed today goes beyond data management into data intelligence:

  1. The ability to seamlessly collect data across multiple, integrated sources,
  2. Present it in an elegant, single view, and
  3. See clearly how to use that data to provide better and better experiences for customers.

Data intelligence is what Datorama makes possible.

What is Datorama?

Part of Salesforce’s Marketing Cloud, Datorama is a data integration engine that works within the Salesforce universe or outside it equally well. Its primary benefit is its data connection ability, with built-in standard and custom API connectors for more than 100 platforms.

Datorama takes in data from all your different sources and organizes it into visually attractive reports in real time. Data analysis becomes easier, enabling clearer and quicker understanding of what to do with it.

Why Datorama?

With all your data from different channels and campaigns coming into one place, taking smart, timely action on clear insights is not just possible but your new normal. Datorama provides:

  • One-stop shop: Datorama puts data analysis, reporting, and campaign performance all in one place.
  • Real-time view of data: Dataroma pulls data from all synced sources every 20 minutes so you can see real-time analytics on how your campaigns are performing.
  • Detailed insights: Datorama offers big picture or deep dives into your data.
  • Appealing visuals: Datorama’s reports and dashboards present your data in clear, understandable, and interactive ways.

 The power of Datorama

Where Datorama really impacts ROI is in its ability to provide detailed, accurate data on customers. That data can then fuel stronger, more effective customer personas and journeys.

Datorama, by integrating data across multiple sources, channels and touch points, allows your marketing teams, in real time, to maximize Journey Builder’s value and create powerful, highly targeted campaigns that will generate more business from delighted customers.

Harness the power of your data

When it comes to data it can feel like there’s no perfect and achievable scenario. Datorama helps you get the wins and prove ROI with full data integration, intelligence, and analytics. Your data will be presented in a clear way that will make personalization and success easier, more streamlined, and more cohesive.


What are the biggest barriers to harnessing the power of your data? Ciberspring can help. From strategy and creative to execution and analysis, our technology specialists provide elegant solutions to any digital marketing challenge, including data management with Datorama. We’re certified Salesforce and Datorama partners too. Fill out the form below to see how Datorama can boost your marketing to new heights.

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